Christian Aid – Gaza Briefing

Since the attacks in Israel on 7th October and war in Gaza Christian Aid have arranged two online briefings on the situation in the region. A further online briefing on the continuing crisis will take place on Teams from 10.00 – 11.30 on Tuesday 19 March. The need to connect as Christian churches and coalitions […]

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The big plastic count

is back from 11 – 17 March and registration is now open. Why not take part as a church, or perhaps Junior Church or your local school could rise to the challenge? Taking part is really easy: When you register, you’ll receive a free pack which includes everything you need to take part; count all […]

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No Faith in Fossil Fuels Lent Vigil

Pray for an hour, pray for a day! Join the vigil to declare, No Faith in Fossil Fuels. Starting on Ash Wednesday, people from across the UK will be holding a ten-day, around-the-clock vigil for environmental and climate justice outside Parliament in Westminster.  They will be gathering in vigil to pray for creation, for our […]

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