Lay Ministry Conference

The National Synod of Wales were pleased to host our annual Lay Ministry Weekend at The Metropole, Llandrindod Wells in mid-November. The Synod’s Lay Preaching Advocate, Maggie Kirkbride, ran the event alongside Stephen Best, Chaplain to the Synod Team. Also presenting were Diana Taylor, Safeguarding Officer, and Judy Harris, CYDO. The theme was “Responding to […]

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Property Officer: Claire Boot

Claire works alongside local churches to help them translate their mission and vision into the practicality of suitable property development. She assists congregations in managing church buildings, graveyards and manses. Claire also provides a link between the Trust and churches, advising and ensuring adherence to Trust and statutory requirements.

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Children & Youth Development Officer: Judy Harris

The Children and Youth Development Officer’s role is to ensure that churches, their staff and those who act as leaders are encouraged, enabled and effective in their work with children and young people and to ensure this takes place in a safe environment. Judy is available to support churches through training and development of new […]

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